by Derek Manns | Mar 14, 2020 | All posts
The idea for Stagehand initially came from the potential I saw in my three talented artist daughters and a sense of frustration that there wasn’t a better “use case” for their passion and skills. The arts are typically about beauty, expression, creativity and...
by Derek Manns | Oct 1, 2019 | Technology, Uncategorized
Recently, we had feedback from artists who would like to use Stagehand as an online “Electronic Press Kit” to promote themselves to buyers and venue bookers. We make it easy to send one link that contains a description, headline, video, audio, downloadable...
by Derek Manns | May 4, 2019 | All posts, Stagehand Tips
We are excited to announce that on May 4th, 2019 Stagehand will deliver new functionality which will enable venues to start to track data about their events. None of this data will be available to the general public, some of it will be shared between venues and the...
by Derek Manns | Feb 26, 2019 | All posts, Artists
Stagehand is excited to be working with the Calgary Airport and talented local artists like Devin Cooper. The YYC music program is providing earning opportunities and unique experiences like this!...
by Derek Manns | Aug 6, 2018 | All posts, Stagehand Tips
The process of song-writing and recording is complex, but that doesn’t mean your Stagehand profile should be. The simplicity of short and sweet is what most venues want, as they deal with multiple requests daily. Having something pithy and punchy will help you...