We are excited to release a new playlist focused on the songs of some of the many talented Alberta based artists, you can listen to it on Spotify or Apple Music
At Stagehand, we are always thinking about artists and businesses and creative ways to connect the two. An initiative that caught our attention was the “East Track Mind”. (easttrackmind.com). It was created to help keep Canada’s East Coast music alive. They created Spotify playlists with hundreds of songs, and are encouraging retail shops to play them. Their website states:
The goal of ETM is to increase support for our local musicians and give them a strong home base as a launching point for future success. By having East Coast music play from Spotify in our local shops and businesses we are increasing the amount of people that hear it and become familiar with it. We want everyone to connect with our musicians through the project, thus creating more loyalty, pride and ownership of our music scene by our public. Look up our playlists on Spotify under “East Track Mind”
Do we really need to hear Billy Joel’s “Uptown Girl” when we go into a store? Is it going to make us spend more? I don’t think so. Imagine you are in a store and you hear an unfamiliar song and you think “this is really good, I wonder what artist this is?” Now with a voice command to your phone, you can find out in seconds what the song is and who the artist is. Maybe you discover a local artist you didn’t know about. And who knows, maybe one day you’ll get a chance to go down to your local cafe or club, and see the artist perform.
In the spirit of that idea, we have created a playlist of Alberta artists for you to enjoy. Maybe you’ll discover an artist in your neighbourhood that inspires you.